Sunday, December 4, 2011


Social problems are defiantly a huge part of this world cause when something happens in one group it is more than likely happening in many. This is why social control is so important to keep crime and illegal drug abuse under control. If we don't have great social control our society will not be great the less control society has over its self the worst it will get. Crime is only a sliver in what society does to screw up, although crime is punished the worst we still have those who act out and do wrong even if its not illegal.

Alcohol and drug abuses are on the rise every day and should not be. I have seen many people suffer from both these situations and really screw up if not ruin their own lives. People need to be more aware of abusers and need to take more action for them and get them help so they don't go to far by ruining their lives or even killing themselves. Helping people help themselves is a huge goal in my life and it should be a goal of others to since no one in this world is perfect and everyone needs someone to help them out throughout their lives.

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